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Friday, September 05, 2008

Help needed

Ok, i was apparently a Windows Vista fan, but that is till today when i got fed up with this piece of shit. Here's the thing i have a fucking 3.5Mbit connection and that piece of crap limits me down to 50KB/sec. I know of its TCPIP limitations because of the P2P applications. If continuos connections per second reach over 25 it gives a 4226 error in Event Viewer and limits my connection down to 80KB/sec... Because of that fact i have not used P2P for almost 3 months now other than on my laptop. Still Vista's top speed is 50KB and i kind of never even was close to the point where it bugged me. WTF Microsoft ? What is going on? So im testing my PC and i check my facebook on my Iphone through home wireless connection. And look there is a miracle. My PC speeds up for like 2 minutes... Then i do something again on my Iphone and yes my computer starts downloading faster... What the hell could be going on? It must be some wireless bug in either windows or it could be USB wireless card for my PC not being too compatible with my wireless setup... Something's up... so my temporary fix for this until i correct this issue is to keep my laptop on with wifi connection and that solves the problem... What the hell can be going on i really don't know, but anyways i hate Vista...

I hate Vista for limiting my connection when i don't ask for it... That's all... i however patched the system just today succesfully so it is working again... with my laptop on... 400 KB speed downloads welcome back... lol..still my laptop is always on... fuck this shit...

Anyways? Anyone know a method to fix this problem? I'd be happy to hear from them...


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